
Lebanon Life Saving Crew History


The Lebanon Lifesaving Crew began serving the people of Russell County in April of 1961. It was known at the time as Russell County Rescue Squad, Unit #1. Up to that point, ambulance service was provided by local funeral homes. However, the personnel were not required to have any formal training, and many times, believe it or not, patients would be transported without any attendant to care for them. Even if an attendant was available, there would seldom be any care rendered, other than loading the patient in the ambulance and transporting to the hospital. At that time, seeing a need for some type of emergency care to be rendered to the sick and injured, a group of concerned citizens got together and formed the rescue squad. The organization was formed in Lebanon and was composed of 14 members. After purchasing a used hearse and a panel truck to be used for ambulances and learning basic first aid skills, those first members started a service that has continued to grow ever since. The original headquarters were located in a small side room in the Blaine Hale Restaurant until the present porperty was purchased about six months later. Originally, the squad was composed of one unit located in Lebanon. Later other units were set up in Castlewood, Honaker, and Cleveland.

During the past several years the squad has seen many changes. During the mid-1960’s, CPR was introduced as a way to treat patients in cardiac arrest. The early 1970’s brought the first Emergency medical Technican (EMT) training to Russell County. This class was taught by physicians at Lebanon General Hospital and provided rescue squad personnel with knowledge and skills to provide more definitive care to their patients. The 1970’s also brought more formal training in emergency driving, vertical rescue, vehicle extrication and other specialized rescue techniques. In 1983, Shock Trauma Technicians were first trained. These Technicians were taught to start IV’s and perform advanced airway skills. This advancement was taken a step further when medicaitons were certified. In 1986, the Lebanon unit of Russell County Rescue Squad separated from the corporation and became Lebanon Life Saving Crew. Ambulance colors were changed from green and white to the present red, white and black. Then in 1987, five members of the Lebanon Life Saving Crew became certified as paramedics, the highest level of pre-hosptial emergency medical care. Other changes through the years included certifiying several members as instructors in different phases of emergency medical care and the organization of the Southwest Virginia Confined Space Rescue Team.

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